Sunday, November 30, 2008

SOTD: Infusion d'Iris

There is not much to be said at the moment, other than I am working through this moment, and as usual in times of distress I reach for Infusion d'Iris, this is the scent that never begs for drama but rather has the effect of a soothing cup of green tea.

Music: Sour Girl by Stone Temple Pilots

image provided by
image: St. Cecily by Edward Reginald Frampton 1904
video uploaded by AtlanticVideos (by the way thank you Atlantic for actually allowing me to embed the video)


Rose said...

I hope Infusion D'Iris and the tea are helping as much as they can.

The Daily Connoisseur said...

I really love Infusion D'Iris- it reminds me of a garden after its rained...

waftbyCarol said...

As you know , for every door that closes , another opens .
Cutting the hair was a psychic thing , almost huh ?
It sounds like you are very loved , I enjoy your blog , and perfume is indeed a miracle !!

Unknown said...

Rose they are helping as much as they can but really I suspect it is one day at a time, still Infusion d'Iris seems to offer grace.

Daily- It really does have a rain like cleaness to it, probably why it always reminds me of silver and green.

Carol- I hope another door opens, seriously the hair thing was weird, and possibly psychic. Glad you enjoy the blog.